Before you apply

Before you apply for a design registration, there are several things you should consider. Here we give you an overview over the most important things.

Read more about Is your design new?

Is your design new?

To obtain an exclusive design right, your design must be new. This means that the appearance of your registered design must be different from any design that already exists. If you want to check if a similar design is already registered or applied for, you can make a search in our design register.

Requirements for a design

The design must be processed and created. The design must also be new and not already known. 

You have the opportunity to demonstrate your product on the market up to 12 months prior to filing an application, but be aware that you have no design protection in this period. This system is known as "grace period" and applies to Norway and some other countries (including the EU and USA). To find out if a particular country has this system, you should check with their national authorities. 

What can you register?

  • all kinds of physical objects from buildings to toothbrushes, cars, clothing, packaging or furniture 
  • parts of an object, for example the head of a toothbrush, the leg of a chair, the handle on a cup 
  • screen shots and icons for computer screens 
  • animations or moving designs, such as icons for computer monitors that show a repeated motion 
  • typographic fonts 
  • graphic symbols and logos 
  • pattern on crockery or material (ornamentation) 
  • an interior concept, such as a cafĂ© or showcase 


If you are not sure whether the design is fully developed, you can ask us keep the design secret. 

We can keep the pictures of the design in the application secret for a maximum of six months from the day you filed your application the first time, either in Norway or in another country. 

As long as the design is secret, you have the opportunity to withdraw your application and avoid the design becoming public. In this way, the old design will not spoil the novelty requirement for a new application of a similar design. 

After filing your application with us, you can not make any changes that affect the design's overall look. 

How much does it cost to register a design?

The fee for an application for a design registration is NOK 2 470. 

The fee covers registration of one design for five years. If your application contains more than one design, you must pay an additional fee of NOK 1 690 for each extra design. 

The right lasts for five years and can be renewed five times. 

Applying for design registration in other countries?

If you are planning on using your design commercially in other countries, it is wise to register your design there as well. 

Do you need help in the application process?

Get an overview of the possibilities available to you and what you must do if you wish to file an application. The experts at NIPO are very experienced and can give you insight into what is important for you to consider during the application process.