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Aquaculture analysis: National competitive advantages and global opportunities

April 15, 2024: Over the last decade, technology in the aquaculture industry has developed rapidly, and it now represents great value. The Norwegian Industrial Property Office's recent landscape analysis gives you an overview of developments.

In the report, we have exclusively analyzed patent documents related to the aquaculture industry.

- The aquaculture industry is Norway's largest export industry after oil and gas. The industry is growing, and the export value increases year after year, explains chief engineer Marianne Skånseng at the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO).

Over the past 15 years, the number of patent applications within the aquaculture area has increased from a few hundred to around 5,000 annually. The patent applications show that both Norwegian and foreign players are increasingly looking beyond their own domestic market and want to continue their technology internationally.

Find unknown competitors

Aquaculture is a broad term that can encompass many subject areas, and in order to limit the scope, the spotlight has been placed on fish farming, and primarily those species that are of greatest commercial interest to Norwegian actors.

- The analysis provides an overview of the patent density in various areas, the largest players and the development over time. By going more in-depth, you can therefore find new possible collaboration partners and perhaps get an overview of competitors you didn't know existed, says Skånseng.

The analysis looks at various topics related to fish welfare, everything from breeding facilities and the environment in which the fish live, to feed and treatment of disease in fish. In addition, patents where artificial intelligence and renewable energy sources are linked to the aquaculture industry have been mapped.

Great potential

- At NIPO we know that 89% of all current patents in Norway have foreign origins, and this is one of the reasons why it is important to know what leeway you have. The analysis provides a comprehensive insight into the patent landscape. Norwegian companies and other stakeholders can use this to their advantage.

- As the world's largest aquaculture producer and exporter of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout, it is important that the players in the industry also take care of their intangible assets, both in Norway and internationally, believes Skånseng and adds:

- A number of actors have realized the importance of this, but there is still great potential to increase awareness among many of the actors in the Norwegian aquaculture industry so that they too are better equipped when they go out on the global market with their products and processes.

With a well-worked-out strategy around the handling of intangible assets, a company will be able to achieve important and lasting competitive advantages, and the correct use of these rights will then be just as important for commercial success as financing, marketing and sales.

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Increased demand for Freedom to operate basis (FTO basis)

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Published on 04. october 2024