Fee changes for filing international patent applications under the PCT on 1 November 2024

Due to international currency adjustments, WIPO has announced changes to international fees payable for filing patent applications under the PCT.

The following tax changes come into force with effect from 1 November 2024:

  • international application fee changes from NOK 15,630 to NOK 16,550
  • fee for the number of pages in excess of 30 changes from NOK 180 to NOK 190

For international patent applications submitted to the Norwegian Industrial Property Office as receiving authority via ePCT, the following fee reduction applies with effect from the same date:

  • submission of XML files in non-character coded format changes from NOK 2,350 to NOK 2,490
  • submission of XML files in character-coded format changes from NOK 3,520 to NOK 3,730

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