Selection and classification of goods and services

When you apply to have a trademark registered, you must state which goods and services (products) you think the trademark should be used for. This is called classification, as you need to associate your products with product classes. When the trademark is registered, you get the exclusive right to use the trademark on only the goods and services you choose.

Read more about See what your competitors are doing

See what your competitors are doing

It can be helpful to see which classes others in the same industry have registered their trademark under. Information about this can be found in our official trademark register.

How to choose goods and services?

Some people find it difficult to think about which products they offer. A helpful question could be: What are you going to make money on/offer in the market?

You cannot add more products after you have submitted the application. Therefore, think carefully about which products you will use the trademark on now and in the future.

You can get help and suggestions by using our product selector.

In our register, you can see which product classes others in the industry have chosen for their trademarks. For example, search for a company name, or a keyword from the industry.

Are others free to use my trademark for other goods and services?

Yes, others can use and register the same trademark as you, as long as it concerns a completely different industry so there is no risk of confusion.

What are classes?

All goods and services are placed into an international class system of 45 classes. The products are placed in a class based on the product's function, purpose and material. Accessories for an item often go in the same class as the item. Services are placed in different classes according to industries/business areas.

A product can be included in several classes if it has several purposes, is made of different materials or exists in both processed and unprocessed form.

Examples of products that go into several classes

  • Protective gloves and normal gloves in two different classes
  • Metal ladders are in a different class than a wooden ladder
  • Live fish in a different class than a smoked fish

Choice of class when selling and marketing own products

If you are going to sell your own goods or offer your own services, you only need to select the goods or service class the product belongs to, for example Class 25: "Clothing" or Class 44: "Beauty care". Sales and marketing of the goods and services are included in the exclusive right you get upon registration.

You therefore do not need "marketing and sales in class 35", unless you are going to sell other people's products or carry out marketing for other traders.


If you are going to register the name of a jewelery shop where you both sell your own jewelery (with the same trademark as the shop) and other manufacturers' jewellery, it is appropriate to choose both class 14: "Jewellery" and the service in class 35: "Sale of jewellery. ยป

Lady tries on a ring

If you are going to run a cafe and also sell a coffee blend with the same name, you can choose this product and service:

  • Class 30: Coffee
  • Class 43: Cafes

Four hands holding cups of cappuccino viewed from above

Frequently Asked Questions

You do not pay for each product/service you choose, but for each class the product is included in.

You cannot add more products after you have submitted the application. Therefore, think carefully about which products you will use the trademark on now and in the future. If you later need more products, you can submit a new application which will be processed in the usual way.

In NIPO's product selector, you will find both broad and narrower terms, so it can be difficult to choose. You are welcome to choose broad terms such as "clothing" rather than writing "trousers". This is because you can possibly narrow down the product list during the application process if you need to.

If the NIPO finds that your trademark lacks distinctive features for some of the products or that an older registration can be confused with your brand, you can still get a registration in some cases if you limit the product list.

In the product selector, the NIPO has marked which terms are accepted by most countries (the Nice classification), the EU trade mark authority EUIPO and each of the EU countries (called HDB), and through the international registration scheme known as the Madrid system.

Some countries, including the USA, have a number of additional requirements and always require more detailed specification of the products.

We are happy to help you in the process

Get an overview of the possibilities available to you, and how you should proceed to apply. The Norwegian Industrial Property Office's experts have extensive experience and know what to think about.

Group of people making plans using post-it notes

Have you made a plan for your assets?

Did you know that as much as 90% of the assets in innovative companies can be intellectual property? It is therefore important that these values are managed correctly. A well-thought-out strategy is as important to commercial success as financing, marketing and sales.

Learn more about IP-strategy